Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Caution: I am Crafting

         Right now my kitchen table and island looks like a construction zone, there should definitely be some of that yellow caution tape up, warning of the dangers that might happen if you were to trip, or upend a stack of this or that. I am not proud of the hows or ways I craft, but I am proud(most of the time) of the finished product. I have several things going on right now, I am helping make Valentine's for school friends, I am making invitations and decorations for Maddie's 1st birthday party, and I am making invitations for my little sister's baby shower. I do realize that I could walk into any old store and buy some pretty darn cute invitations and decorations, and believe me I do not look down upon those that do! I just love the process of finding a design...working out the kinks and bringing it to life. And if any crafter says they don't like the oohs, aaahs, and YOU made thats, that come from making your own, they are LYING! Some of the designs I come up with on my own and some from magazines, but lately, most come from my newest guilty pleasure, Pinterest. It is seriously a stay at home mother's pornography...you start by just taking a peek, seeing what all the fuss is about, and pretty soon you find yourself sneaking out of bed at night to feed your addiction. I refuse to say how many consecutive minutes, *cough cough* hours, I have been on there...but if some good stuff comes from it, ie: recipes, valentines, sugar scrubs, handmade candle holders, then it's worth it right? Ok, ok, I will scroll it back...anyways here are some of the things I am working on this week.
Kt's Valentine's for his class, the hardest part was peeling the label off all the crayons, but I think they are super cute!


Maddie's Birthday invitation, these turned out so cute and I just printed and pasted the party info on the back.

My sister's baby shower invitation, I got this theme idea off Pinterest, and I loved it!

Next time I will share the rest of the gorgeous little details I made for Maddie's Party!
 Have a fabulous day!
~ Heather

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